Sunday 1 November 2009

The importance of the background

Yesterday my ever-willing model, my dog was the subject of the blog. Here is another willing model. Well he didn't complain to me.

Today's subject isn't going to move so the variation has to come from my movement. Whenever you get running water it is worth thinking about shutter speeds and choosing to get the water moving almost like a fog. However in these photos I have isolated the water in a moment of time. The reason for these photos is not to consider shutter speeds but is about the importance of the background.

On the left there is a lack of greenery. It's not a particularly nice background and I am sure the fir tree looks better as it gets higher. On the right we have a green background and the use of a telphoto lens has decreased the depth of focus. The backgrounds are out of focus and this draws attention to the statue.

Happy snapping.

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