Tuesday 27 April 2010

It's not a studio 3

I'll finish with these two colour photos of the studio - I mean living room wall. The tip today is about lighting and how it pays to have an adjustable flashgun. If you point the flash directly at the subject then you get harsh shadows. If there is a low ceiling then point the flash up and it looks like the lighting is coming from above and this is normally where light comes from.

There is an alternative direction for the flash. If you hold the camera sideways to take a portrait then the flash would bounce off a wall, not the ceiling. This makes the light look like it is coming from a window. In these photos you can see that the photo is darker towards the bottom of the photo. It is more difficult to see this if you look at the wall because I have removed the top of the settee and replaced it with wall that was higher. It doesn't take long and if you would like to learn this technique then it's time to work on getting to know photo manipulation software.

Happy snapping

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