Monday 26 January 2009


If you are used to taking certain types of photo then see what happens if you change the perspective. I use the viewfinder because I have no option with my SLRs, but I also have a compact which is a fine camera and it gives me the option to look at a screen. I tend not to use this option partly because of habit and partly because I don't like reflections on the screen to spoil my view. However if you do use a screen then you are already taking the photo from a different perspective.

Have you seen the photographers on TV when they hold their camera at arm's length to try to get a photo through a car window or to try to take a photo above a crowd? They may be lucky, but they will also have a different perspective. Try close-ups or take the picture from a very low angle. Don't be afraid to take more foreground even if the interest is in the background. You can lead the eye to the main item of interest if there is a path that takes you there, or even a herd of cows!

Happy snapping

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