The photo on the left tells you where I was standing. If you know Lancater you will know that the Marketgate Shopping Centre is just to the left and you are looking along Common Garden Street. If you know this much then you also know that the town hall is at the other end of the street and the town hall clock is prominent in the photo.
I was walking through the centre of Lancaster a couple of days ago and most of the buildings were in shadow. You can photograph buildings under any lighting conditions but a dull day or shadow doesn't really do them justice. Even though it was only five past two (you can see the time on the clock), I had to look at the taller buildings to see sunlight hitting them.
I know that Lancaster Cathedral, Lancaster Town Hall and the Ashton Memorial can be seen from many parts of Lancaster, but I hadn't seen this juxtapositioning even though I have walked down this street many times. Sometimes you need a camera to make you look upwards.
Happy snapping