On wedding days I like to get back in the evening with a 'surprise' present of a framed enlargement. This weekend it was the photo on the right without the words. I go back in the evening to photograph the first dance and if there is a chance then I take the bride and groom outside for photos in the evening light. In Morecambe this generally means a sunset over the bay is in the background.
Within 24 hours I have prepared all the photos for printing including this one. Simply cropping these two photos to 8"x 6" (which is the same proportion as 4"x 3" means that they can be joined together. For the price of one 6"x 4" photo you have two photos that are 4"x 3". It is quite a nice size anyway but they can now be used as to thank all the family and guests. Simply fold an A5 piece of card in half and stick one photo on the front and one on the back. Write a note inside and there you have it - a thank you card.
I tend to use flash even on sunny days but at times I switch it off. I think flash was used on both of these photos but because I am safely on the pavement the flash is not as strong on the left. Look at the shadows under the eyes. For groups I often take two, one with flash and one without. The best photo is the one with the best expressions, but often there is no difference so I choose the one with the best lighting. There is no definitive answer to the best lighting so it is worth taking two photos.
Did you notice that there are no road markings on the left and no rail on Morecambe prom on the right? Now is this a section of road without markings or have I removed them? Is this a gap in the rail? I must also mention that it is 40 years since the Beatles had their photo on the zebra crossing on Abbey Road. So many people use that crossing then stop and have their picture taken. This couple walked across and didn't hold anyone up.
Happy snapping
P.S. I didn't remove the rail on the prom. There is a gap in the rail next to the boulders that act as the coastal defence.