Why do we take photographs? There are probably hundreds of answers to this question but I will try to give a few answers. Photography is art. We enjoy art and put it on our walls so that it brightens up our wall. Photography helps our memories. If you look on your wall are your memories there? You may have photos of family members on your walls or there may be places where you have lived. You may only take photos on holiday and there is nothing wrong with that. You can show your friends where you have been.
Times are changing and photos are now shared on the internet. Some of my photographs are used on my website at www.gradwellphotography.co.uk and they are used for advertising. Photographs from around the world are now visible in seconds. Photos are used as comments on contemporary life and then become historical documents.
Photos are used for legal reasons. My first thoughts were speed cameras but photography is commonly used by the police. There is a specialist department in hospital called medical illustration. The digital age has transformed photography and I suspect it is now difficult to find anyone for whom photography does not play some part in their work.
There are hundreds, possibly thousands of reasons why we take photos but essentially photography is about communication and a picture is worth a thousand words but there is a more important reason and you have read about it in my last two blogs. Take photographs because you enjoy taking photographs.
Happy snapping